Hi Fresno Fire Family,
I’m Helena Silva, Matt Silva’s wife.
My work holds an annual Adventure Challenge. It’s a race. The race is sort of a cross between “Survivor” and “The Amazing Race”. In a team of four you race 3 miles and encounter challenges and problems to solve. You’ll be navigating using a GPS traveling in and out of the San Joaquin River. It’s fun!
It’s at the Scout Island outdoor facility which is next to the Fig Garden Country Club. Attached is the registration form and flyer for our Scout Island Adventure Challenge adult race. There is a fee which is then applied to the same race being held for high school students the following weekend. It covers the cost for high schools so they can participate for free.
The theme this year is “Cast Away”. It may help to watch the movie beforehand, just so the race makes a little more sense.
I can be called or emailed if anyone has any questions.
Helena Silva
977-2754 (cell)
Adult Flyer
Adult Registration Forms 2010
September 21, 2010
Scout Island Adventure Challenge
April 26, 2010
Jennifer Johnson, Realtor
Hi Ladies,
I am a Realtor with Guarantee Real Estate. Please keep me in mind if you, or anyone you know, has a real estate need I might be able to help with. If you are looking to sell your home or buy a home, or just needing information, please give me a call.
Guarantee Real Estate
(559) 916-8341
April 12, 2010
February 10, 2010
2010 Firefighters Ball
Fresno Fire Family,
Mark your calendars … We are hosting the 2010 Firefighters Ball (co-sponsored by Local 753 & the Fire Chief's Foundation) on Saturday, March 27th at the Downtown Convention & Entertainment Center. The no-host social hour starts at 5pm, and the program/dinner begins at 6pm with live music from our own 5150 Band and dancing until midnight. We have twice the space and plan on having twice the fun! Up to 600 tickets will be sold (the last Ball sold out at 400). Tickets will be available at the Credit Union starting on Friday, February 12th. We will know exact ticket pricing by Monday evening (2/8), but they will be around $40 per person. Invitations will be mailed out within a week.
Department members have priority in purchasing tickets until March 8th. After that, members will still be able to purchase tickets, but sales will be opened up to others. Some have expressed that they would like to invite friends from other departments, friends, etc. However, this does not limit members from purchasing any number of tickets once they go on sale to include their friends or family members. But, it does need to be the member making the purchase before March 8th. Also, there will be a seating chart at the Credit Union so that as you purchase your tickets, you can select your desired seating location. There will be up to 60 tables, so get your tickets early.
Please join us in honoring our Retirees, celebrating our profession, and enjoying our friendships at the Party of the Year.
February 4, 2010
Children's Music Class
December 12, 2009
Santa made it to Local 753!
November 19, 2009
Union Christmas Party Planning Time!!!
Hello all,
It is that time again....The Union Christmas Party is coming up! If you have any ideas and are willing to help we would love to have you. Please email me at fresnofirewives@yahoo.com for any information or to volunteer!
We will have food for all, entertainment for the little ones..(big ones too!) Rides down the Boulevard, Music, Drinks, Desserts and a visit from Santa!!! Fun for the whole family!
I hope everyone will come to the party and have a great time! See you there!
November 17, 2009
Union Christmas Party
Hey Everyone,
So the date has been set. The Union Christmas Party will be December 11th, 2009 from 5-9pm. We hope everyone can come by, even if for a little while. There will be the usual...food, music, drinks, Huntington Boulevard rides, and of course Santa! Bring the whole family down and have a Merry time!!!
See you there!
November 15, 2009
September 11, 2009
Childcare Help
Hello Fire Wives:I originally posted a need for part-time childcare back in February 2009 and was lucky to find someone to take care our daughter, but I was recently informed that she no longer will be able to take care of her. So, I am in the hunt again.
I should tell you a little about us and what we are looking for. My name is Wendy Killou and my husband is Sam (Engineer on A-shift) have a 9 month old daughter named Emma, for which we need to find part-time childcare for her starting in October 2009. I currently work for the State full-time and as you may know, we are currently furloughed, so I have the first three Fridays off every month until June 2010, which is working out great so far to elevate the need for more childcare days.
We are looking for someone that can provide daycare in their home anywhere from 1-3 days per week depending on schedules. I did get many responses back in February, but did not know whether the same people would be interested or if there may be new families that would entertain the idea. If you are possibly interested or know someone that may be interested, please email me at wkillou@gmail.com or call me at 559-269-3985.
Thank you,
Wendy Killou
Environmental Scientist
Drinking Water Program-SDWIS Unit
265 W. Bullard Suite #101
Fresno, CA 93704
(559) 447-3313
August 7, 2009
Couples Night Out
Clear the night of Saturday, September 5th for a Couples Night Out at The Standard in Fresno. The Fresno City Firefighters Association has planned a wonderful night for it's members and their significant others to have some adult time. So call your babysitters, if needed, and get ready for a great time. There will be drinks and appetizers provided by Local 753 from 5pm to 9pm, or when the tab runs out. The Standard is located at 9455 N. Fort Washington Fresno, CA 93720 (The N/E corner of Friant and Fort Washington).
Please RSVP with Pete Flores (pete669@comcast.net) or Sarah Ognibene (fresnofirewives@yahoo.com). That way we can have an accurate head count of who will be attending.
See you there.
August 3, 2009
June 18, 2009
Mudd Volleyball
Do you want to spend a day having fun and getting to know each other better? Well, if so, join me at this year's Fresno Mudd Volleyball Tournament!
I'm hoping to grab some of you, fire wives/girlfriends, to be a part of my team. Maybe we will have enough of you who want to participate that we will need several teams.
The tournament is on Saturday, August 22nd at 9am. There is a small fee to participate which goes to support the March of Dimes.
If you are willing to get down and dirty and have some fun, email me at LeslieFaridoni@comcast.net or call me at 978-9517. You can also check it out more at www.fresnomuddvolleyball.com.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Leslie Faridoni
June 15, 2009
Annual Luau at The Moore's
It’s time for The Moore’s Annual Luau!
This Friday, June 19
Relaxing by the pool while drinking cocktails begins at 1:00 pm
Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm
Polynesian dancers will perform at 7:00 pm
After the dancers this will be an adults only event, call us for babysitting references, they live only a block away!
We will be accepting donations to help pay for the dancers.
Don’t forget your swim suit!
RSVP 779-1552
212 W Goshen, Clovis
Family Day with Local 753
Fresno City Firefighters Local 753 Invites all Local 753 members and their immediate families to spen the day at the Wild Water Adventure Park.
Date: Sunday, July 19th
Time: 10:00 am - ??
Location: 11413 East Shaw Ave. Clovis, CA
Cost: Ticket price covered by Local 753
RSVP: You must reserve your ticket prior to the event. Please contact Pete Flores at 559-779-6959 or pete669@comcast.net. Tickets will only be available to Local 753 members and their immediate family who have signed up prior to the day of the event. Members who sign up and fail to show up will be responsible for the cost of the tickets reserved.
Food: One park meal ticket will be given to each family member.
Admission: PLEASE BRING YOUR DEPARTMENT I.D. Tickets will be given at the gate from 9:30 am to 11:00 am the day of the event.
Hope to see you all there!
June 11, 2009
House for Rent
House for Rent
3 bedroom
2 bath
Corner of Cedar and Sheperd
Great, kid friendly neighborhood!
Contact Sean Henchel @ 392-1774
June 8, 2009
Handmade Nursing Covers by Katrina Arthur
Hello Ladies,
My name is Katrina Arthur. I have recently opened an online store are know that word of mouth is the best advertisement for handmade items. With that in mind I would like to extend an invitation to you.
As we welcome new members into the Fire Family, each nursing mom is looking for a fashionable yet discreet why to bond with their new baby with out being coped up in some back room.
This is why I created my nursing covers. Although my son is passed the nursing stage I have opened an online store to share my product with other moms. I can be found at www.kcartncrafts.etsy.com, where you will find handmade nursing covers and burp cloths.
Each Nursing Cover is handmade by me with 100% cotton, high quality fabrics and is fully lined.
The unique angled design provides nursing mothers and their babies with the utmost privacy. I created this design after trying a few traditionally shaped nursing covers, but found that my son's sweet but very sneaky hands, feet or sometimes both poked out leaving me feeling a little exposed. To solve this problem I created this design, so that I could tuck the sides behind me and keep us covered in any situation.
The sturdy boning in the neck line enables Mom to keep an eye on her little one, and the adjustable neck strap with "D" rings means she can customize the fit for comfort. I suggest that once you have found your ideal strap length; tie it off in a simple knot for easy and quick wear.
Each Nursing Cover comes with a matching Minkie Burp Cloth does as good a job cleaning up as it is cute. But, it feels so good you might want to keep it for yourself.
I hope to be able to share this diaper bag staple with you or your friends. Each item comes gift wrapped and ready to give.
Thank you for your support,
Katrina Arthur
April 19, 2009
Pre Wedding BBQ
My name is Laura and I am soon to be married to Sye Yannone a fellow Fire Fighter. Sye put out an e-mail to the department about a BBQ that we are putting on for our friends and fellow fire fighters the day before our wedding. But knowing our men, most of them will either will not tell you or tell you the day before. Knowing myself I always need advanced notice of an event. So I thought that I should let you know.
Any way it is a BBQ with fun for the whole family, but if you would like to make it a date night that is fine as well. We are having 5150 out to play a little music, if you don't know who they are come find out. We would like every one that is able to make it to bring a side dish or dessert if possible. The date is Saturday May 2nd and we'll be starting about 4pm. We will have tri-tip and hot dogs and hamburgers for the kids. We will wrapping things up about 10 or 11 for those that will getting a sitter for the night. The address is 5365 N. McCall Clovis 93619. If you need directions call or e-mail me Camando78@yahoo.com
